The Avenger

This guy is a sneaky little fella', can't you tell? I know he's plotting something, just not sure what yet. Hopefully I'm on his good side. I'm thinking he's on my side, and he'll help me win in the room and board costs dept. Happy Hump Day to everyone.
ps. he wants you to click on him to make him larger!
I think he's a cutie...
"The fox has many tricks. The hedgehog has but one. But that is the best of all."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
enough said, i like it, most definitely a shubenik
mmmmm i am going to sleep with one eye open tonight... i made a hedgehog mad a little while ago, they don't like to be squeezed. Hump day? Where is my hump?
hahahahaha... kristy, you make my day
you clearly angered the hog god and he will probably give you a good rousin' tonight...could be good, could be spiny. Oh man, i once saw a screaming porcupine pulling quills from its face. They have dextrous little monkey hands...who knew? That could be you.
mmmm i would scream, but the hump sounds like it could be entertaining if nothing else... possibly even ejoyable.... look what you have got me thinking you sneaky little hedgehog... or was that palex. Very confusing to thoes reading comments i am sure.
hump day = wednesday ... sorry for those who don't follow ...
we followed, but it seemed like making it dirty was in order.
sure "we" did
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