Shane Porter

"My name is Shane Porter and I have been shooting seriously for almost a year. I have always had an interest in photography, but I had never taken the time to seriously pursue it until I found my Dad's old Yashica film SLR. After putting a few rolls of film through it, I was hooked. Within about six months I upgraded to a Nikon D70 and havent looked back. I am still very much in the learning stage and I havent taken any formal photography courses (one of my biggest regrets is not taking the photography course that my high school offered), but perhaps when I finish my last year of my Business degree at Laurier it will be something to look into. I don't really have a set style of shots that I like to take, so if you ever need anything photographed give me a shout!"

Although I've never met Shane [that guy-->], he seems like a nice guy! You can view his work here. He blogs on a fairly constant basis, and always shares his experiments.
super nice guy and I check his blog often, nice work dude.
you should add him to your "friends photo sites" for easy access!
Oh he's in there now!
now everyone can visit his site as frequently as I do.
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