Man, why do I like hydro men so much? This was last week when Kevin and I ventured to Burlington along the lake, we had an awesome time, and he took a photo down a lady's shirt ....
What a role model.
ENJOY, and as always, let me know what you think!
At least I'm not taking pictures up Hyrdro mens' legs... or am I?! :o
i dont know who's i like better!? Dont make me choose!
Don't tell kevin, but I like yours better.
haha. two.
mmm geometric shapes.
-guess who?
Aiden, but of course!
Dont tell Dave but I like Kevins better.
i thought kevin's was of boobs... he could have had my vote. you get it instead. next time you should climb to the top and take a shot facing down!
Don't give him ideas like that Jenn, although I must say I've had that idea myself, on more than one occasion...
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