Still Life 2

I took this a while ago, and thought nothing of it. I was going through my iPhoto archives with Kevin the other day and started picking out some neat pics I'd taken in the past and had forgotten about. This was among them, and now it's featured on my site. Hopefully you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think about it.
as i've asked you before...why in your house is there a large decorative ball of twine in a bowl?
decorative i know but...i still dont' get it
Its artsy AND photogenic!
So many uses!
it's not a ball of twine, it's a mutant subatomic particle that fell from the sky, or the cat's bum...
nice pic tho'
its a wicker ball, no?
like a topiary without a stem?
and less plant like?
right. i dont like wicker balls much but its a nice picture all the same. creamy.
when i'm truly procrastinating (2 finals today!) i leave longer comments
this photo needs some levels work in photoshop big time
andrew, I'm sorry but I thoroughly disagree with you. If you look at it on a nice monitor, the subject is brought out just enough and blends smoothly into the background, just as desired. Thanks for the input though, I *could* post a version with more contrast if you really want ;)
i hear ya man, but histograms dont lie. if you bring it up in PS it says that it has no white tones. but if thats what your going for then by all means, your the artist, bro!
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