Spring Irrigation

This is used, as you may know from my previous post, for irrigation from the pond to the right of the pump to the fields in the background. It's only used in the spring though. Weird. I need some better shots to fill up my blog, but I think I broke my hand. Maybe I should go to the doctors, maaybe not! Either way, I need to shoot more.
Love, David
i like the contrast :)
irrigation is nifty.
it makes the crops grow.
happy belated easter.
i've missed like 72843728 pictures, man.
sorry to hear about your hand.
Dave, go to the doctor's...
you know where you could get great photos for your blog...the hospital. although actually getting a camera in there and using it would be a challenge, thats the point. blood, guts, gore, family, love, silence, life and death. all make for sweet posts.
plus a cure for your hand which if it isn't broken looks like you got bitten by a poisonous dragon.
This is a very ugly photo Dave, so ugly that it grows on you. Looking at the rust, oil, and general nastyness of it, made me hate it. But the fact that I hate it enough to talk about it, and not stop looking at it really questions how much of a good shot it is...if that makes sense
kinda like me looking at you, eh hunter?
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